Are you in or are you in? Safety cannot be optional and June is a great time to get refocused on occupational health and safety. Don’t take it from us, just take a look at some of the facts below (TechJury).
- Slips, trips, and falls account for 26% of nonfatal injuries in the workplace.
- Since OSHA’s establishment, employee fatalities have decreased by 66%.
- On average, 14 workers die every day on the job in the US.
- Every second, an average of 14 American workers sustain injuries.
2022 Themes
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
We can help your company prevent musculoskeletal disorders by conducting physical ability tests and equipment checks. Did you know we can even do a physical ability test for someone standing at a desk holding a keyboard or utilizing a standing desk? You should be selecting the right mask size. We can ensure that there’s nose and chin coverage and that there’s a secure nose bridge fit; we can even make considerations for facial hair and perform this fit check to ensure that the head is protected.
Workplace Impairment
This is a growing concern due to the legalization of marijuana and changes in local laws regarding drug testing. We can help you navigate the updated laws and come up with a plan to protect your workforce. Check out our earlier article on drug testing here.
2023 Themes
Slips Trips and Falls
Prevent slips and falls by reimbursing employees for shoes that are non-slip or slip resistant. Ensure that your space has adequate lighting and teach your employees safe walking practices. This varies from industry to industry. Confirm that there are enough handrails and guardrails around your space. Regular maintenance, training, awareness, and repetition are key. Talk to us today about getting a walking exam incorporated into your employee’s physical and creating a safety plan.
Heat Related Injuries
This June and onward, it’s so important to stay protected from the heat. Although we don’t have that problem as much in Alaska, especially in Fairbanks, there are still some hot days! Making sure you drink plenty of water and are wearing the proper-fitting clothes for your industry can help with this. In addition, employees should be encouraged to wear the right fitting mask, and each industry can explore options for the summer months that are cooler to ensure employees are keeping their masks on even when it’s hot. Contact us today to explore all of the options for mask fit technology and exams.
We think safety is very important, and we hope this serves as a reminder for you to get back on track with your safety initiatives. Contact us today or visit our Occupational Health page here to get started on a plan that’s right for you.
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